Monday 3rd July, Middleton Hall, University of Hull. Doors open at 19:00 for a 19:30 start.
Galaxy Zoo from penguins to peas: How a million people explored the Universe together.
Professor Chris Lintott
Professor of Astrophysics and Citizen Science Lead, University of Oxford
Professor Lintott is an astrophysicist at the University of Oxford who plays a leading role in a number of projects designed to bring astronomy into the public domain. He has worked extensively with the BBC on The Sky at Night and has co-authored a number of books. His current work on the online project known as Galaxy Zoo (whereby members of the project volunteer their time to classify millions of galaxies) will be the subject of this public lecture.
How to book
This talk is FREE to attend. You do not need to register for the conference to attend this talk. Seating is limited to 400, so we strongly recommend reserving your seat (free to reserve).
Click here to reserve your seat.